Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Japanese Buffet Restaurant SMACKDOWN - Kuishin-bo vs Kiseki

Great World City
  • Fairly expensive for a buffet meal, but which buffet is not expensive these days.
  • There was a good spread of food and one should feel quite full after going through the first round of food sampling. We felt that the quality between dishes is not consistent. Therefore, we recommend sampling in small portions so that you can enjoy a 2nd or 3rd helping of the specific dishes that you really like. 
  • The buffet is topped up fairly fast except for the outdoor grill section. There are cooks cooking away at the outdoor grill but the food is taken away as soon as it's cooked so the waiting time for this is too long for us to be patient with. 
  • In general, the food was interesting and enjoyable. But as the meal wore on, fatique and boredom with the food imposed itself on us. 
Orchard Central
  • Slightly cheaper as we opted for the lunch buffet. It was a salmon theme buffet. 
  • The spread falls slightly short of Kuishin-bo in terms of the range of food available. But we still felt it was satisfactory. 
  • We enjoyed the quality of the food more. There were a few good selections that kept us going back for more.
  • Feedback from friends is that the food is plentiful but the food did need to be topped up when we were there. Not a big issue since the two dishes were topped up within minutes of finishing.  
  • Very efficient staff for a buffet restaurant. We give them top marks for this since it kept our table uncluttered with empty plates. Perhaps the layout of the restaurant helped as well. We could see the staff  going round in a loop collecting the plates. 
Conclusion: If you are taking your mother-in-law to a buffet, we suggest Kiseki as it got the stamp of approval from my mother-in-law. She definitely ate more and enjoyed the Kiseki spread more than Kuishin-bo.

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